
¿Para qué sirve la Spirulina?

What is Spirulina used for?

Contacto Spirulina

Spirulina, a blue-green algae, offers a variety of health benefits. It is an excellent source of nutrients, supports cardiovascular health, strengthens the immune system, increases energy and helps detoxify the...

What is Spirulina used for?

Contacto Spirulina

Spirulina, a blue-green algae, offers a variety of health benefits. It is an excellent source of nutrients, supports cardiovascular health, strengthens the immune system, increases energy and helps detoxify the...

Calculadora de Calorías y Spirulina

Calorie and Spirulina Calculator

Contacto Spirulina

🌟 Find out how many calories you need per day with our Harris-Benedict Calorie Calculator and boost your results with Spirulina! 🌟

Calorie and Spirulina Calculator

Contacto Spirulina

🌟 Find out how many calories you need per day with our Harris-Benedict Calorie Calculator and boost your results with Spirulina! 🌟

EL ORIGEN de la Spirulina

THE ORIGIN of Spirulina

Contacto Spirulina

Spirulina is an algae used as a superfood since ancient times. It has been recognized by different cultures and in the 1990s its nutraceutical properties were discovered. Today, it is...

THE ORIGIN of Spirulina

Contacto Spirulina

Spirulina is an algae used as a superfood since ancient times. It has been recognized by different cultures and in the 1990s its nutraceutical properties were discovered. Today, it is...

La Spirulina en vegetarianos y veganos

Spirulina in vegetarians and vegans

Contacto Spirulina

Spirulina has been used as the perfect food supplement for vegetarians and vegans, since it is a source of plant protein and contains many nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In addition,...

Spirulina in vegetarians and vegans

Contacto Spirulina

Spirulina has been used as the perfect food supplement for vegetarians and vegans, since it is a source of plant protein and contains many nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In addition,...

Spirulina Mater rica fuente de proteínas.

Spirulina Mater rich source of protein.

Contacto Spirulina

Spirulina for Vegetarians and Vegans is a rich source of proteins and nutrients. Spirulina has been used as the perfect food supplement for vegetarians and vegans, since it is a...

Spirulina Mater rich source of protein.

Contacto Spirulina

Spirulina for Vegetarians and Vegans is a rich source of proteins and nutrients. Spirulina has been used as the perfect food supplement for vegetarians and vegans, since it is a...

Spirulina Orgánica "USDA ORGANIC"

Organic Spirulina "USDA ORGANIC"

Contacto Spirulina

Our Spirulina is certified by USDA ORGANIC as 100% organic Spirulina, but what is the importance of this? Organic foods are grown following the National Organic Program standard. (in English) from...

Organic Spirulina "USDA ORGANIC"

Contacto Spirulina

Our Spirulina is certified by USDA ORGANIC as 100% organic Spirulina, but what is the importance of this? Organic foods are grown following the National Organic Program standard. (in English) from...

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